1. Jack Russell Black And White
  2. Jack Russells For Sale
  3. Black Jack Russell For Sale
  4. Jack Russell Terrier Black
  5. Black Jack Russell Mix
  6. Jack Russell Black And Tan
  7. Funny Jack Russell Pics

American Hunt Terrier Club Association breed standard. Black and tan hunt terriers also know as the black and tan jack Russell terrier can be also be red. They are short legged with great temperments. They make wonderful working dogs or family pets. Solid all black or brown dogs however, are not registerable, nor are dogs with a brindle coat. Brown, Black and/or tan markings and spots are fine and tri-color is the most highly desirable. However, I caution folks as there is no such thing as a black and tan solid-colored Jack Russell Terrier. Black and Tan by: Robbin's Rescued Russells Jodie, That is a hard question to answer without personally having seen or interacting with your new puppy. Yes Jacks are predominately white but there are many other traits and characteristics’ that make up a Jack Russell Terrier. It’s possible that the bitch was bred by more than one male dog.

The Black and Tan Terrier is an extinct type of dog that was drawn into The Kennel Club as the Welsh Terrier and that remains extant outside the Kennel Club as a 'Fell Terrier'.

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Working Fell Terriers (non-Kennel Club working terriers from the rocky Lakeland Fells [1] region of the UK) have always been quite variable in terms of size and shape, but have always been coloured terriers (tan, black or black and tan), as opposed to the white-coated 'foxing terriers' preferred in the south of England. Today, black and tan Fell Terriers are sometimes referred to as 'working Lakelands' or Patterdale Terriers or simply as 'black and tan' terriers.

With the rise of dog shows in the 1860s, a race began to give every visually distinctive type of dog a name and 'improve' it through selective breeding, and terriers were at the very top of breed fancy concerns. From the coloured rough-coated Fell Terriers of Cumberland, Westmorland and the Scottish Borders were developed several Kennel Club breeds, including the Lakeland Terrier, the Welsh Terrier, the Border Terrier and the Manchester Terrier.

In the rush to create and claim new breeds, competing groups of dog breeders sometimes came up with different names for the same dog, and it was very common for entirely fictional breed histories to be knitted together as well—all part of a campaign to declare a new breed and create a bit of personal distinction for a dog's originator (to say nothing of sales).

In the early 1880s, a group of English Kennel Club breeders decided to embrace a rather ponderous name and an incredible assertion for the brown and black working terriers of the North: they were, they asserted, 'the root stock' of all terriers in the British Isles, and they were to be called the 'Old English Broken-Haired Black and Tan.'

The Welsh were outraged to have the English bring down a few of 'their' dogs and claim they were an 'Old English' anything. These were Welsh dogs, and the Welshmen moved quickly to establish that fact. The Welsh got organised quickly, and in 1884 they held the first dog show with classes just for Welsh Terriers in Pwllheli, Caernarfonshire with 90 dogs in attendance—a rather impressive opening shot in what was to be a brief, but furious, 'terrier war.' (McLennan, 1999 | Burns, 2005)

For their part, proponents of the 'Old English Black and Tan' moniker could not seem to coalesce into a real club; in fact they could not even agree on a name for their supposedly 'Old English' breed. Some called it the 'Old English Broken-Haired Black and Tan Terrier,' some the 'Old English Wire Haired Black and Tan,' some the 'Broken-Haired Black and Tan,' and some just 'Black and Tan'—a colour-description that has been used about as often as 'white dog' or 'yellow hound'.

Whatever they might have called the dogs, this new Kennel Club 'breed' appears to have been a put-up job consisting of a mix of terrier types that would not breed true. In 1885 a survey of the winning dogs in the ring found that all of them were, in fact, first generation dogs, i.e. not Black and Tans out of Black and Tan sires and dams, but Black and Tans produced out of crosses with other breeds. For example, the winner of the first show in 1884 was a dog named Crib that was a cross between a blue-black rough terrier (what might be called a dark Border Terrier today) and a famous smooth fox terrier owned by L.P.C. Ashley called Corinthian.

Modern Welsh Terrier

In 1885, the Kennel Club took a Solomonic approach to the name and breed standard for the dog, featuring both dogs at their 1885 show. On April 5, 1887, however, because the English could not get organised, they were dropped from Kennel Club listings, and the new 'Welsh Terrier' breed was born, perhaps propelled forward in popularity by the rise of David Lloyd George, the son of a Welsh cobbler, who himself had risen from humble origins to stand should-to-shoulder with the gentry.

The notion that the Black and Tan terrier is now 'extinct' is due almost solely to the existence of a book by Vero Shaw titled The Illustrated Book of the Dog. Printed in 1881, right at the beginning of the 'terrier wars,' this book contains about 100 chromo-lithograph plates and engravings of dog breeds that were, at the time of publication, being put forth as distinct entities. Shaw included the Black and Tan as well as another dog soon to pass into extinction (the English White Terrier), betting that the political machinations of English Kennel Club dog breeders would prevail. (McLennan, 1999 | Burns, 2005) He was wrong, and after roughly 20 years the two breeds became extinct.[citation needed]

See also[edit]

  • Tiny the Wonder, famous 19th century black and tan terrier.

Jack Russell Black And White


  • Burns, Patrick. American Working Terriers, 2005. ISBN1-4116-6082-X
  • McLennan, Bardi. The Welsh Terrier Leads the Way, 1999. ISBN0-944875-38-6
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Other namesTreeing Feist, Treeing Terrier, Ratting Terrier, Rat Terrier
OriginUnited States
Classification / standards
Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

A feist is a small hunting dog, descended from the terriers brought over to the United States by English miners and other working-class immigrants. These terriers probably included crosses between the Smooth Fox Terrier, the Manchester Terrier, and the now extinct English White Terrier. These dogs were used as ratters, and gambling on their prowess in killing rats was a favorite hobby of their owners. Some of these dogs have been crossed with Greyhounds, Whippets or Italian Greyhounds (for speed), and Beagles or other hounds (for hunting ability) - extending the family to include a larger variety of purpose than the original ratter, or Rat Terrier.


Feists are small to medium-sized dogs 10 to 18 in (45 cm) tall, and weigh 15 to 30 lb, short-coated dogs with long legs. The ears are set high on the head and are button, erect, or short hang. The tail can be natural, bobtail, or docked. As feists are bred for hunting, not as show dogs, little to no consistency is seen in appearance (breed type), and they may be purebred, crossbred, or mixed-breed dogs. They are identified more by the way they hunt and their size than by their appearance.

Individual dogs can hunt in more than one way, but in general, feists work above ground to chase small prey, especially squirrels. This contrasts with terriers or Dachshunds, earthdogs that go to ground to kill or drive out the prey, usually rodents, European rabbits, foxes, or badgers. Most feists have an extreme drive to chase rabbits, squirrels, and all rodents.

When hunting, feists, unlike hounds, are mostly silent on track until they tree a squirrel. They locate squirrels using their eyes, ears, and nose, then tree them barking loudly and circling the tree, in the same manner that a coonhound trees raccoons. When they have treed a squirrel, they chase the squirrel until it leaves their sight. During the chase, they wade through streams, leap over logs, and dash across roads to get to their prey. Leashing these dogs in the presence of squirrels is advisable. Although they put up a furious chase, feists rarely catch squirrels; they typically expect their owners to shoot them.

Black And Tan Jack Russell Pics

Various named varieties within the feist type have been developed, including the Mountain Feists, which includes the Baldwin Feist, Buckley Feist, DenMark Feist, Galla Creek Feist, Kemmer Feist, Lost Creek Feist, Sport-bred Feist, and Thornburg Feist. The Treeing Feists include the Atomic Feist, Barger Feist, Boggs Creek Feist, Original Cajun Squirrel Dog, Charlie Feist, Fleming Creek Squirrel Dog, Hickory Grounds Feist, Horse Creek Feist, Hurley Comb's-bred Feist, Mullins Feist, Riverun Feist, Shaderidge, and Rat Terrier.

An example of a feist
Gray's Prairie Daisy – an example of a Gray-bred Mountain Feist


The feist is not a new type of dog. Written accounts of the dogs go back centuries, with several spelling variations seen. George Washington referred to them in his diary in 1770 when describing a dog as 'a small feist-looking yellow cur.' Abraham Lincoln wrote about the 'fice' dog in his poem, 'The Bear Hunt'. William Faulkner mentions the 'fice dog' in The Sound and the Fury, but uses the spelling 'fyce' in the stories 'Was' and 'The Bear' from the collection Go Down, Moses: 'a brave fyce dog is killed by a bear'. In her 1938 novel The Yearling, author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings uses the spelling of 'feist' to refer to this dog. Claude Shumate, who wrote about the feist for Full Cry magazine, believed that the feist was descended from Native American dogs, mixed with small terriers from Britain, and was kept as early as the 17th century (Full Cry, December, 1987). The breed was popularized by President Teddy Roosevelt, who frequently hunted with a feist named Skip, belonging to his son, Archie, and a Manchester Terrier named Jack, belonging to his son, Kermit.

Similar breeds[edit]

Similar dogs are the Smooth Fox Terrier, developed to flush out foxes for hunters in England (but now primarily kept for conformation showing and as a pet), and the Jack Russell Terrier, used for ratting. Fox Terriers and feists are often predominantly white so as to be visible to hunters. Many other variants of this type exist, such as the Parson Russell Terrier and Rat Terrier, with many locally developed purebred breeds. The original fox terrier type was documented in England in the 18th century.

Mountain Feist and Jack Russell Terriers[edit]

Because of similarities in appearance, Mountain Feists are sometimes mistaken for Jack Russell Terriers, particularly in shelters and dog pounds. However, certain physical characteristics separate the two, and can be easy to identify to the trained eye. The coat of a feist is generally softer and smoother than that of a rough-coated Jack Russell. Its legs are longer and the tail of a Mountain Feist is usually shorter than that of a Jack Russell.

Despite some physical similarities, however, the behavior and temperament of a Mountain Feist and a Jack Russell are often quite different.

Most feists are fairly quiet dogs, and lack the tendency toward excessive barking demonstrated by some Jack Russells and other hunting dogs. Jack Russells also tend to be more combative. Finally, while active, most Mountain Feists do not generally exhibit the frenetic energy of Jack Russells.

Some Mountain Feist bloodlines were indeed bred down from Jack Russell Terriers, crossing most likely with treeing dogs, such as Treeing Walker Hounds. Jack Russell traits often remain visible despite this crossbreeding. These descendants usually are mostly white in color with brown or black around the head and neck, with tall stand up, or button ears. These dogs usually hunt in packs in the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains. They use their eyes and ears exceptionally well.


Feist and Rat Terrier[edit]

Jack Russells For Sale

Considerable crossing of feist dogs has occurred, since they are bred primarily for performance as hunting dogs. Feist dogs, as a breed type, are what now are called the Rat Terrier. The Rat Terrier is considered the progenitor of, and a specific breed within, the feist type. Because the word 'feist' refers to a general type of dog just as 'hound' and 'terrier' refer to a group of breeds, Rat Terriers are still often called 'feists'. The terriers brought to the US in the 1890s from England were crossed with feist dogs already here, in addition to some of the toy breeds (Toy Fox Terrier, Manchester Terrier, and Chihuahua) to develop the feist dogs known today.

Black Jack Russell For Sale


The word 'feist' is described in Webster's Third New International Dictionary as from the obsolete word 'fysting', meaning 'breaking wind, in such expressions as fysting dog or fysting hound'. Feist is defined as '1. chiefly dial: a small dog of uncertain ancestry...'

The word feisty - 'energetic, belligerent, esp. if small' is derived from the dog, which is small and energetic.

Further reading[edit]

Jack Russell Terrier Black

  • 'Feist or Fiction?: The Squirrel Dog of the Southern Mountains' by Donald Davis, Jeffrey Stotkit, The Journal of Popular Culture 26 (1992), pgs 193–201

Black Jack Russell Mix

  • 'Introduction to the Treeing Feist: a squirrel dog breed history' by Marcus B. Gray, Countryside & Small Stock Journal, November/December 2007, pg 48

Jack Russell Black And Tan

  • The Sound and the Fury '(as 'fice dog') and other works by William Faulkner

External links[edit]

Look up feist in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Feist (dog).

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