Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. In the Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Flanoir has become hotter due to the worlds reuniting. When Emil Castagnier, Marta Lualdi, Tenebrae, and Regal Bryant arrive in the city, they are shocked to discover that it has been attacked. One man, before dying, claims that Lloyd did it, which. Jouons A Tales Of Symphonia Episode Bonus 7: Abyssion en mania sur ps2 (patch anglais). Jouons A Tales Of Symphonia Episode bonus 11: Le Casino d'Altamira by FIEUZE.

A/N: Hello! I hope these updates make up for my disappearance the past eight months... And I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, as well! :)

Enjoy the chapter!

After a joyous Christmas, the new year was just peeking around the corner.

In the morning of New Year's Eve, Presea updated her Facebook status, in regards to a confusion she had of a certain New Year's tradition.

Her status said, 'Presea Combatir: Why must we kiss at midnight on New Year's Eve? (3 hours ago)'

Noishe and 2 others liked this.

Genis Sage left a comment saying, 'A-a-are y-y-you planning on k-k-k-k-kissing someone at midnight, Presea?'

Presea Combatir, completely negligent to all the extra letters in what Genis said, left a comment saying, 'It is dependent on the reasoning for this behaviour.'

Raine Sage left a very Professor Raine-like comment saying, 'According to my research, some cultures believe it is a custom for people to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, just as it is a custom for people who meet under a mistletoe to kiss during Christmas time. It is to set the tone of the new year, thus many hold the superstition that failure to kiss someone at midnight ensures the year to be full of loneliness.'

Sheena Fujibayashi found no energy to paraphrase Raine's statement, and left a comment saying, 'Uh, yeah. I guess that's pretty much it.'

Presea Combatir understood andleft a comment saying, 'I see.'


Zelos Wilder left a comment saying, 'Hey Sheena, wanna start off the new year right by kissing a strong, charming, good-looking man? ;)'

Sheena Fujibayashi left a very unexpected comment saying, 'Sure, why not?'

Lloyd Irving left a comment saying, 'Whoa! Really?'

Zelos Wilder left a comment saying, 'REALLY?'

Sheena Fujibayashi, in her cool and relaxed form, left a comment saying, 'Well you said a strong, charming, handsome man, so I'm assuming that isn't you.'

Zelos Wilder, extremely disappointed by the outcome, left a comment saying, 'Ouch. You're becoming a very violent cyber banshee, Sheena.'

Lloyd Irving left a comment saying, 'Hahaha, man. How many times has Sheena rejected you?'

Zelos Wilder left a comment saying, 'Shut it! I'd like to see you try and get Colette to kiss you.'

Colette Brunel appeared out of nowhere and left a comment saying, 'Hmm? Why would Lloyd try to kiss me, Zelos? ^^'

Lloyd Irving left a comment saying, 'I'M GONNA KILL U ZELOS.'

To celebrate the start of a brand new year, Regal had decided to throw a grand New Year's bash at Altamira, which everybody had been looking forward to for the past three weeks.

Tales Of Symphonia Characters

Unfortunately, sometime during the early afternoon of the night of the party, Regal made a disappointing announcement regarding the anticipated event.

His status said, 'Regal Bryant: Due to unexpected difficulties in maintenance, the New Year's Eve Party at the Altamira Casino and Theater is cancelled. My apologies for any inconvenience. (58 minutes ago via Facebook for Blackberry)'

Zelos Wilder left a comment saying, 'WHAT? So what are we supposed to do now?'

Presea Combatir thought of another plan and left a comment saying, 'May I suggest we have a gathering at the beach, since we are already present in Altamira and the casino and theater are no longer an option?'

Genis Sage left a comment saying, 'T-t-t-that's a great idea, Presea!'

Lloyd Irving added to the makeup plan andleft a comment saying, 'I can bring fireworks we could light up!'

Colette Brunel left a comment saying, 'I think that would be really fun! ^^'

Sheena Fujibayashi left a comment saying, 'Sounds good to me.'

Regal Bryant left a comment saying, 'Yes. I will supply and set up stereos for music, some seating areas, and refreshments.'

Zelos Wilder left a comment saying, 'Sigh. Fine, fine. As long as I find a beautiful lady or two to kiss at midnight... ;)'

Regal Bryant left a comment saying, 'Perhaps we don't invite the great Chosen to this affair.'

Zelos Wilder left a comment saying, 'Why is everyone so mean to me? :('

Just as last year, happy holidays to you, Zelos.

A/N: Aww, Zelos! I promise I will never be mean to you! (except by making characters in this fic mean to you...)

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I wish everybody a super Happy New Year! I hope you all have a wonderful celebration to welcome the new year! See you in 2012~ WOOT!

Tales Of Symphonia Altamira Casino

Leave a review! Or else you won't kiss anyone at midnight and your year will be filled with loneliness! (hey, I'm just quoting Raine...)